Terms of Business

Booking Terms & Conditions

The following standard terms and conditions apply to all bookings for, and attendance across all GTI events (GTI Aviation Training and GTI Networking events).


In these Conditions:-

1.1. the following words and expressions have the following meanings:-

“Booking” Your booking with Us to attend the Event;
“Booking Form” the online booking form completed by You to book Your place at the Event;
“Conditions” the terms and conditions upon which We will organise and hold the Event, and to which Your Booking is subject, as set out in this document, together with any special conditions set out on the Booking Form;
“Contract” the contract between Us and You for Your attendance at the Event;
“Delegates” the Persons You register to attend the Event on Your behalf as shown on the Booking Form;
“Event” the all trainings, summits, networking events and conferences;
“Fees” the total fees payable to Us for Your attendance at the Event as shown on the Booking Form;
“Force Majeure Event” as defined in Condition 7.2;
“Person” an individual, body corporate, limited liability partnership, governmental body, economic entity or any entity having a separate legal personality;
“Registration Fees” the fees payable to Us for registering You to attend the Event as shown on the Booking Form;
“Us” “We”, “Our” Global Travel Investment Limited (CRN 7058484);
“You”, “Your” the Person who enters into the Contract with Us.

1.2. the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and words importing one gender include all genders.

1.3. headings are for ease of reference only.


2.1. All Bookings are made subject to these Conditions.

2.2. Only these Conditions shall apply to the Contract, and shall override any other terms, conditions or warranties You may seek to impose. Attendance at the Event is conclusive evidence of Your acceptance of these Conditions.

2.3. Any variation to these Conditions shall not apply unless agreed in writing by Us.

2.4. You confirm that the Person who signs or completes the Booking Form on Your behalf is duly authorised and empowered so to do, and We are under no obligation to enquire as to the status or authority of such Person to contract on Your behalf.

2.5. Completion of the Booking Form is an offer by You to attend the Event, but the Contract has not been formed until We have accepted Your Booking by email confirmation.


3.1 The Trainee/ Attendee shall pay to the Training Company/ The Organiser a fee agreed during registration plus Value Added Tax (20%) where applicable.

3.2 The cost is per person + 20% VAT where applicable  includes all days of the intense training, instructors’ teaching time, provision of presentations in both languages and relevant documents and manuals as well as Certificate award on completion.

3.3 Costs of the visas, flights, transfers and accommodation are settled by The Attendee Company.

3.4 We are not able to issue visa invitations for any event registrations without an advance pre-payment of 15% deposit from the total invoice cost. This deposit is non refundable but it is fully transferrable to any training, summit or networking event across all GTI events.

3.5 The invoice to be paid in full within 7 days from the registration or the remainder to be paid upon the visa receipt (if applicable).

3.6 Non-payment of training fees within the time specified above shall be grounds to deny admittance of the nominee to the Training Services / Event. Any late payments done after the event will incur an additional 1.5% interest for each extra day after the event.

3.7 In case of cancellation by The Attendee Company, the payment is transferable to another event and is non-refundable. In case of cancellation by the organizers including due to covid19 100% of the fees will be rolled over to another event.

3.8 Non-refundable fee (s) held by the Training Company may be applied to another nominee for the specified course or to future courses to be held within the current or next calendar year.


4.1 The Organisers are providing this event in good faith and cannot accept liability for no shows, cancelled meetings or directory omissions. All information is correct at the time of going to press;

4.2 The Organisers cannot guarantee the number of attendees to be present at the event, any number of expected attendees is a reasonable estimate. The Organisers are not responsible to ensure the presence of delegates at the event that have confirmed their attendance, absence or location of any attendee or other participant of the Event remains a sole responsibility of the delegates;

4.3 The Organisers have no responsibility or liability for any third-party services provided in connection with the Event. The Organisers have no responsibility for any covid-related issues for example contracting covid 72 hours before the event, during nor 72 hous afer the event;

4.4 The Organiser will treat Registration Fees payment as a prepayment on the account.

4.5 The Organisers reserve the right to use delegates’ mobile phone and use of chats, texts, whats app on both working day 1 and working day 2 of the event. This will facilitate the streamlined rescheduling in the event of any cancellations or no-shows for the pre-arranged one-on-one meetings. Every delegate consent to this process during their online registration by checking the “Accept Booking Conditions” box.


5.1 Delegate name changes will be accepted in email, however, cannot be guaranteed to be in the official directory. There is a charge to change registered name.


By providing contact details in the registration form, the Delegates give their permission to being contacted (by phone, email or post) by the Organisers for communication and marketing purposes related to GTI events and/or for future events and services. At any given time, the Delegate can opt-out of receiving marketing material by emailing the Organisers.


7.1 By paying for your attendance, you agree to us to reserve the right to move your registration to a similar training if you are unable to attend the event.

7.2 A charge of 100% of the registration fees will be made for all cancellations made for any reason but there is a possibility to roll over to a closest event in the calendar but only 1 time. If the rolled over event is not attended, we are unable to keep rolling over the paid fee towards other events

7.3 Organiser reserves the right to move the event venue 30 days before the event, therefore we advise all delegates not to pre-book their travel nor accomodation 30 days before the event dates.

7.4 Due to weather and unforeseen circumstances and issues beyond our control, the organisers reserve the right to postpone the live demonstrations, flying displays, air show and airport visits.


8.1 The Organisers reserve the right to cancel or change the dates of the Event at any time and for any reason without liability. This includes cancellation or change of the Event dates on account of any circumstance including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, epidemic or pandemic, forced cancellations – postponements or suspension of the event by decree or instructions by government or other public body, or the venue, hotel or similar organisation, their rules or regulations at any time, including during the event, military operations, strikes, third party contractor/supplier failure, civil riot, passing laws or legal and others acts (Event of Force Majeure);

8.2 If the event is cancelled by the Organisers and at the Organiser’s discretion, the Organisers shall immediately notify the Delegates in writing. All delegates will be automatically carried over to the next event when it becomes available. In this case, please contact us for more information;

8.3 In the event of complete cancellation by the Organisers, all paying Delegates are eligible to claim a prepayment on the account to be refunded. Refunds will be organised at Organiser’s timeframe;

8.4 In the event of postponement of the event, the Organisers shall immediately notify the Delegates in writing. The Organisers shall notify the Delegates of the new dates when those become available. Delegate places will be automatically carried over to the revised date(s). The Booking Agreement will continue in full force, effect and the obligations of the parties shall apply to the Event on the new date(s). Alternatively, the Organisers will transfer prepayment on the account to another event organised by the Organisers in the future;

8.5 The Organisers carry absolutely no liability whatsoever for the costs of personal arrangements, including, without limitation, travel and accommodation incurred by delegates as a result of cancellation or postponement of the event. In case of the cancellation due to the event of force majeure or at Organisers discretion, the Organisers bear no responsibly for any additional costs or financial loss of delegates/exhibitors/sponsors/event’s hosts. All such costs remain at your own risk even if the Event is cancelled or postponed to new date(s)/location/year.


9.1. Transfer of Rights

You cannot transfer Your rights or obligations under this Contract without Our written permission.

9.2. Other Parties to the Contract

The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply to this Contract. That means no one except You or Us can take action to enforce its terms but that does not affect the right that any third party might have apart from that Act.

9.3. Notices

All notices given under this Contract will be treated as delivered if they are properly addressed and sent by post to, in Our case, Our address shown in the Particulars, and in Your case, Your postal address, as also shown in the Booking Form.

9.4. Contract Documents

The documents that make up the Contract are the Booking Form and these Conditions. However, if You seek to rely on something which You can reasonably assume from the facts, You must give us written details and We reserve the right to accept or reject such an addition to the Contract.

9.5. Governing Law

The Contract is governed by English Law, and the English Courts will deal with any dispute arising under it.

9.6. Your Joint Liabilities

If You comprise more than one legal person, then Your liability is joint and several.

9.7. Invalidity

If any of the provisions of this Contract are held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.

© Global Travel Investments Ltd. 2021

Please contact us if you have any queries or questions relating to out terms of business.

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